Is Colon Cancer Curable?

Colon Cancer is cancer in which cells grow uncontrollably in the colon (large intestine).

In most cases, Colon Cancer can be treated when detected early. Colon Cancer can be said to be cured if it does not reoccur in less than five years. Usually, Stage I, II, and III  Colon Cancer are curable. Advanced Colon Cancer (Stage IV) is possibly not curable but can be treated with Chemotherapy.

In recent years, advanced cancer treatments have significantly resulted in better outcomes.

Let us look at & understand various stages of Colon Cancer and the possible treatments & cures for it:

  • Early Colon Cancer or Stage 1: Stage 1 cancer means that cancer has not spread beyond the colon. It can be removed completely through surgery and the recurrence possibility is very low. In this stage, there are very high chances of cancer cure. 
  • Stage II: Cancer does not spread to lymph nodes but develops through the colon or rectum wall. Depending on various features, stage II cancer is curable through surgery with low chances of recurrence.
  • Stage III: Cancer reaches the lymph nodes at stage III. It is treated with Surgery and Chemotherapy. However, the cure rate is lower in comparison to the former stages.
  • Stage IV: It is also known as metastatic colon cancer as it spreads to other parts of the body such as the lungs, liver, etc. At this stage, cancer is mostly not curable as it gets difficult to remove cancer so the survival rate is low. However, treatments in the form of Chemotherapy and Targeted drugs can help a patient to improve their quality of life and live longer.


Why Screening is Important?

Colon cancer screening helps to detect cancer before the symptoms start making it easy to cure cancer. Screening prevents death risk as polyps get identified & removed at an early curable stage. There are various screening tests for Colon Cancer that include Stool tests, Sigmoidoscopy, Colonoscopy, etc.

People who are 45 years or older should undergo risk assessment and get colon cancer screening done. Regular testing can aid in finding precancerous polyps and early-stage cancer detection that makes treatment effective. Colon Cancer generally does not show any symptoms until cancer progresses so the best is to get routine cancer screening done.

If someone in your family has had colo-rectal cancer then you are at increased risk of having it too as genetic mutation (acquired or inherited) can be a cause of cancer. Also if you have a prior history of bowel disease or a certain genetic syndrome then you are at a high risk of having cancer. So, in such cases, you may be required to start screening before the age of 45 years. 

You must consult your doctor regarding when to start the colon cancer screening depending on your age, family history, and overall health. The doctor will help you determine the best tests that you should consider for cancer screening by taking into account the pros & cons of each test.

Cost of colon cancer treatment in Dehradun

Surgery is a very important treatment option for colon cancer in which the cancer is removed. There are various types of colon cancer surgery which are:

  • Polypectomy: It is a minor surgery in which a colonoscope is used to remove cancer present in the inner lining of the colon. Polypectomy is mainly done when the growth is small.
  • Colectomy: It is a surgery in which the cancerous part of the colon or the whole colon is removed. Colectomy can be done through the laparoscopic technique. Many times lymph nodes are also removed. In Total Colectomy entire colon and the lymph nodes may also be removed.
  • Laparoscopic Colon Cancer Surgery: It is a minimally invasive procedure in which small incisions are made in the abdominal wall through which an instrument (equipped with a camera & light) gives a clear view of the internal abdomen, making it easy for the doctors to remove cancer.
  • Other Surgeries: There are also other surgical procedures like Cryo Surgery, Radiofrequency Ablation, etc.

The cost of colorectal surgery depends on various factors like the surgery type, the kind of hospital & where it is located, and more. The approximate cost of colon cancer surgery in Dehradun usually starts from ₹50,000.

Chemotherapy for Colorectal Cancer is inexpensive, although Targeted drugs are usually costly.

Contact Us & Get the accurate cost of Colon Cancer Treatment in Dehradun at Arihant Hospital

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