Hospital in dehradun

About Us

“We are a team of passionate medical professionals who believe in healing with care.”

High professional doctors level. All specialists have the extensive practical experience and regularly attend training courses in the educational centers.

Ayushman and Gold Card facilities are available.

For more information, Call: +91 6399 444 000  .

arihant gmd
Hospital Social Work

Our Commitment to the Community

Blood Donation Camp

Blood Donation Camp

We organize regular blood donation camps, bringing together donors who selflessly contribute to this lifesaving cause.

International Consultation

Our International Patient Services will organize your treatment packages, provide visa assistance, arrange an airport pickup and provide hotel reservations.

INternational hospital in dehradun
Take a Tour
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Arihant Hospital Dehradun

Contact US

Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
24X7 Emergency

Address: 18-Main Haridwar Road,
Shastri Nagar,Dehradun 248001(Uk)
Phone: 8477015555 | 8755703129
Landline: 0135-2665700 | 0135-2665701
Emergency: 8477015555
Chamoli Branch: Main Badhrinath highway, Chamoli, Uttarakhand (246424)